Solves problems

CryptoFramework solves problems

Our golden thread

Cryptography utilises an encryption key and when this needs to be shared, it makes use of a dedicated X.509 certificate. SmartCrypto supports and promotes all encryption solutions that make use of this golden thread. For example, where Account Authentication may use a password, we promote the use of a trusted certificate.

SmartCrypto believes in building a Zero-Trust security framework through advanced Cryptographic solutions.  Our approach addresses challenges such as managing multiple identities, ensuring access control, protecting data, and facilitating secure digital transformation using Cryptographic keys and certificates.

Our CryptoFramework is exactly what it says it is: a FRAMEWORK.

It is a step-in and step-up approach, meaning that you can enter the framework on any of the 6 levels.

The Framework deals with 2 technologies – keys and certificates.

These are the only two supporting technologies that




Establishing a solid foundation for ZERO-TRUST relies on managing keys on one side and certificates on the other.  This forms the cornerstone upon which all applications and workflows must depend for a zero-trust architecture, using certificates for verification and keys for establishing trust.

The CryptoFramework is a strategy, an implementation of technologies in the correct manner to achieve the goal of a Zero-Trust Architecture.  It is the foundation to a Digital Enterprise.

Each layer has a lot of detail regarding implementation, products and architecture.

The GOLDEN THREAD is critical to the CryptoFramework.

Without it, it will prevent an enterprise from achieving a zero-trust architecture.

The Golden Thread is not just about technology, but the interaction of technology, people and processes for the safeguarding of data.


Cloud Access Control

  • Centralized privileged access management
  • Cloud authentication as a service
  • Cloud access control as a service

Virtual Smartcard



Hardware Security modules (HSM)

  • Maintenance (Level-1 Support and HW replacement)
  • Key Exchange / Ceremony Service
  • Procedures, documentation, audit and best practices
  • PayShield 10k certified training
  • Level-2 Support – smart-trusted-intelligence

Data Protection

  • Tokenization for new payment methods and PCI scope reduction
  • Virtual smartcard – Card Not Present (CNP) authentication and transaction signing



Hardware Security modules (HSM)

  • Maintenance (Level-1 Support and HW replacement)
  • HSM hypervisor management and reporting layer
  • Security domain extended to the Cloud (OYOK)
  • Level-2 Support – smart-trusted-intelligence

Data Protection

  • Data discovery and classification
  • Crypto as a service (encryption and decryption)
  • Data at rest
  • Data in transit
  • Tokenization as a service

Key Management

  • Centralized key management of all keys
  • Cloud key management (AZUR, AWS and others)
  • KMIP integration

Certificate Lifecycle Automation

  • Certificate discovery and inventory
  • CA integration and management including cloud
  • Certificate automation with Monitoring and Reporting
  • Including SSH key management

Data Protection as a service in South Africa (Data Sovereignty Compliant)

  • HSM as a Service
  • Key Management as a Service

Data Protection on Demand

  • HSM as a Service
  • Key Management as a Service
  • Signing/Ledger and other as a Service

High Speed Encryptors (data-in-motion)

  • Crypto agile/Quantum safe encryption
  • Transport Independent Mode, layer 2,3,4 capable

Contact Us

South Africa

“We pride ourselves on hiring seasoned crypto professionals that add value to customer smart-trusted-solutions, whether that be through negotiating best prices from OEMs or designing step-in and step-up crypto programs, which allow customers to understand crypto growth and investment beyond today’s needs. We are committed to making crypto accessible at a fair price for Africa.”


Dayle Wheeler, Managing Director