- Introduction
SmartCrypto is committed to conducting its Business in a sustainable manner within the laws of all the countries in which the Company is active. This Policy has been developed in order to facilitate the observance of all relevant sustainability guidelines including regulations, but not limited to, the prevailing local environmental legislation.
The objective of this Policy is to
- reinforce SmartCrypto‘s commitment to sustainability;
- set out SmartCrypto‘s effort in reducing impact on the environment;
- provide the foundation for making crypto accessible in Africa with less reliance on out of continent support and services.
- Definition
The terms defined herein should be construed broadly to give effect to the letter and spirit of the Code.
“Associates” include, but are not limited to, family members, any company or trust Covered Persons or their family have an interest in or are a beneficiary of.
“Business” includes all normal business transactions including, but not limited to, financial assistance, the acquisition, and disposal or leasing of assets and provision/receipt of services.
“Crypto accessible in Africa” is the SmartCrypto mission in making crypto available at a reasonable price with a high level of service.
“Covered Person(s)” shall mean all directors, employees and officers of the Company.
“Government or Public Officials” shall mean individuals who hold a legislative, administrative or judicial position of any kind, whether appointed or elected and/or exercises a public function for or on behalf of a country or territory.
“SmartCrypto” or “the Company” shall mean SmartCrypto Proprietary Limited.
“Officers of the Company” shall mean any director or company secretaries of the Company.
“Third Party/Parties” shall mean suppliers, service providers and other business partners.
- Who Must Comply
This Policy is applicable to all Covered Persons and sets out the minimum standards of conduct applicable and should be read and applied in conjunction with the prevailing SmartCrypto policies, codes and guidelines on related matters, including the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct policy.
- Policy Responsible
The custodian of the Policy is the Compliance Officer who shall be responsible for the administration, revision and interpretation of the Policy. SmartCrypto is committed to ensuring that its impact on the environment is subject to periodic risk assessments and Covered Persons are provided with training on this Policy.
- Sustainability practice
SmartCrypto conducts basic environmental as well as OHS risk assessments appropriate to its activities and size;
SmartCrypto is committed to finding ways in reducing its environmental impact, energy usage, greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and pollution;
Sustainability within SmartCrypto is not just a management focus but a responsibility of all covered persons;
Sustainability is a journey and SmartCrypto strives to continually improve environmental; health and safety performance; and
Lastly, SmartCrypto believes in extending sustainability to all associates and Third parties for a healthier and safer environment.
- What happens if you do not comply
It is the responsibility of all Covered Persons to report any breaches, or potential breaches, of this Policy to their line manager or Compliance Officer. Violations of this Policy, will lead to disciplinary action in accordance with applicable disciplinary procedures. In some circumstances, failure to report actual or suspected violations of this Policy may itself constitute a legal offence. SmartCrypto is committed to reporting all instances of environmental misconduct to the relevant authorities and to facilitating criminal action against the individuals concerned where appropriate.
- Queries
Questions can be directed to line management or the Compliance Officer, via email at: compliance@smartcryptosolutions.com.